Friday, September 29, 2017

Fractures occur, Mount Agung is ready to erupt

The Agung Mountains, Bali

The Agung mountains, found in Bali are predicted to erupt soon. It is based on the cracks that occur due to the strong earthquakes that occur lately.

             "The presence of fractures shows the source of the eruption energy getting closer                  to the surface," Agung said
             "Mount Agung is ready to erupt, the center of the eruption is approaching," said                      Head of Volcano Mitigation Center of Volcanology and Geological Hazard                              Mitigation, I Gede  Suantika.

             "Smoke seen from a distance means the concentration of pressure fluctuation is                    greater, it also means that there is an extension of the fracture," Suantika                              confirmed that the possibility of Mount Agung will erupt.

It also adds that if the lantern happens, the lava flow will come out through the existing fracture crack. But he said it was not certain when the eruption would occur.

Head of Division Volcano Mitigation, Devi Kemil also confirmed the news, he said there is a tear or fracture in the crater of Mount Agung. The tear is visible from satellite images that monitor the mountain.

              "In the middle there is a small tear and there is smoke coming out from there,                          cause it is because there is an earthquake that we feel all the time." said Devi                        Kemil

Based on the science, the cracks can form other cracks to make more holes where the magma out. In addition, if a large number of cracks are formed and close together, it may lead to new or larger openings and the effect of larger eruptions, possibly.

The Agung mountains observation results from 00:00 AM to 06:00 AM (GMT + 8 hours) :
  • Earthquake: 170 times
  • The deep volcanic earthquake: 125 times
  • Shallow volcanic earthquake: 40 times
  • Local tectonic earthquake: 5 times

Saturday, September 16, 2017

South Sulawesi Food and Drug Administration Agency Successfully Secures 29 Thousand PCC Pills

Bad news is happening again in Indonesia. This time the PCC Pill (Paracetamol-Carisoprodol-Cafein) filled the empty space in the newspaper. These pills also target the younger generation of the nation. After all, this news is beginning to look finished.

South Sulawesi Food and Drug Administration Agency managed to hold about 29 thousand PCC pills that recently scandalized the people of Indonesia.

Head of South Sulawesi Food and Drug Administration Agency Muhammad Guntur said that about 29 thousand PCC pills planned to be circulated to a number of areas in eastern Indonesia, such as Papua, Southeast Sulawesi, Maluku, North Maluku, North Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Gorontalo, South Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara West (NTB), East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), and West Sulawesi. When secured, thousands of PCC pills are packaged in plastic wrap and ready to be shipped to a number of areas.

"Meanwhile, evidence of PCC pills have been confiscated and taken to the BBPOM office. Later owners will be called to the office for further investigation, "said Head of South Sulawesi Food and Drug Administration Agency, Muhammad Guntur.
Previously, an elementary school student and a teenager in the town of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, died after consuming a PCC pill. The first victim had the initials R, elementary school students, died and Rizki (20 years old) died drowning after throwing himself into the sea due to the hallucinatory effects caused by the PCC pill consumed by the victim.

In addition, about 60 teenagers aged 15-22 years must be rushed to the hospital because of an overdose of painkillers and is often used for people with hearth disease.

Bangladesh will build a refugee camp for Rohingya

Good news comes to Rohingya. Reportedly, Bangladesh will build a new shelter camp for Rohingya refugees. The number of camps to be built is 14 thousand camps. The new camp will be used to house hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees who are currently forced to sleep on the sidewalk, in the middle of the field, and in the local hills.

The UN recorded nearly 400 thousand Rohingyas have arrived in Bangladesh. Rohingya militant attacks against Myanmar police and military posts triggered a massive operation that forced the exodus of Rohingyas.

"The government has decided to build 14 thousand shelter camps for 400 thousand Rohingyas," said Bangladesh's Disaster Mitigation Minister Shah Kamal.

"We were asked to build camps within 10 days, and each camp will be able to accommodate six refugee families," he said, adding that each camp would be equipped with proper sanitation, running water and medical facilities. We will also get help from UN agencies, "he said.

Shah Kamal also said that the Bangladeshi Social Welfare Service would take care of Rohingya children who lost their parents or who had fled to Bangaldesh without the company of his family.

Door to Hell phenomenon in Turkmenistan

This unique natural phenomenon is called Door to Hell. Door to Hell is a giant hole in the Karakum Desert, Darweze, Turkmenistan. The giant hole in the middle of the desert is thought to have been burning for over 40 years.

History of Door to Hell
Door to Hell is a crater created by Soviet geologists more than 4 decades ago. They drilled the location in 1971 and found a cave full of natural gas. However, the ground beneath the drilling mill collapsed, leaving a hole with a diameter of approximately 70 meters.
To avoid the harmful effects of toxic gas, they decided to burn it. They hope the fire will consume all the fuel in a matter of days, but the gas is still burning to this day. Locals call this cave "The Door to Hell". Currently Door to Hell becomes an attractive tourist attraction for many tourists.
Fire produces a golden red light can be seen from a distance around Derweze, a village with a population of about 350 inhabitants. This light is the hallmark or "welcome" symbol for the first time to Turkmenistan.

Ice Rain happens in Indonesia

Ice Rain
The phenomenon of hail in Indonesia first occurred in 2016 and still continues until this year. This phenomenon often occurs in Java Island, following some hail phenomena on the island of Java.

1. Cimahi City, West Java
The phenomenon of hail in Cimahi occurred in March 2016. Hailstorm in the form of marble shaped marble with varying sizes. According to BMKG, ice resembles snow because of clumps of clouds close to the surface of the earth. As a result, the clouds do not merge properly and descend to the earth in a condensed state. The frequency of falling ice is three times in a matter of minutes.
2. Trenggalek, West Java
The hailstones in Trenggalek occurred in November 2016. At that time a whirlwind hit the District of Trenggalek, East Java. But the hail only lasted for a minute.
3. Bekasi, West Java
The hailstones in Bekasi occurred in September 2016. Falling ice rocks damaged several roofs of local residents. Hail fell along with heavy rain and strong winds. Small grains only as big as corn.
4. Sleman, DI Yogyakarta and Magelang, Central Java
January 2016 ago, hail hit Sleman and Magelang on the same day. No damage caused at that time.
5. South Jakarta
Hailstones in South Jakarta occurred in March 2017. Ice grains of gravel fall along with heavy rain and strong winds. The duration is only about a few minutes.
6. Surabaya, East Java
Heavy rain accompanied by strong winds occurred on March 2017 ago. Rain that is also the form of ice is a small grain of ice cubes. Its size is almost as big as marbles. Down along with heavy rain and strong winds.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Crab Nebula, The Iconic Supernova
In Milky Way
Supernova is similiar with somepeople, but still others do not know what a supernova is.For those who do not know yet, here you can find the definition of supernova, but not only that, you can also find other types of supernova,they are Nova and Hipernova. Do you want to know? Just read the text below and you will get new insights.

Nova Sagittarii
Nova comes from the Latin is "new star". This is a stellar explosion that results from the interaction of two multiple star systems. In the science of astronomy, stars have many types, one is a double star. The double stars are the two stars that interact with each other due to the gravity of the two stars. These two stars do not collide and do not also stay away from each other. Nova is a star explosion that occurs in white dwarfs with maximum light (-1.1) magnitude and a minimum of only (10.5) magnitude.

The theory suggests that nova events occur as a result of re-lit stars after a long sleep, Nova is thought to occur on the surface of a white dwarf in the adjacent dual star system. The pair is a red giant star whose jejarkan expands so much that there is material flow to the white dwarf of his partner. The material that is still rich in hydrogen reaches the surface of a very hot white dwarf then triggered an explosion on the surface of the star suddenly luminous. That's why astronomers in the past said the suddenly luminous star was called a new star.The last nova that humans can observe on earth is the nova delphini that occurs in the constellation Delphinus


Supernova Explosion
What is a supernova? Supernova is a big star explosion event from nova. Supernova billions of times brighter than nova and is known as one way stars to end his life. The strong light enhancement is approximately 8x larger than nova. Supernova as a star explosion event has 2 types, one of which resembles nova and involves a white dwarf star. Cerlang supernova can 8 magnitudes larger than nova. Both types of supernovae are Type 1a and Type II.

Type Ia, which is the type of explosion that occurs in a double star system, in which a white dwarf stares the material from its partner star. The astronomers are still debating what kind of star form a pair of white dwarfs can create the explosion of a star type Ia. But, based on the theory, this paired star can give a large enough mass for a white dwarf so that the core of a white dwarf reaches its critical density. As a result, uncontrolled carbon and oxygen burning triggers the star to explode.
          Type II, which is the type of explosion that occurs at the end of the life of the massive star (5-             10 solar masses), when the star runs out of fuel to burn in the star's core. If the star core is                 massive then there will be a collapse of the star core that triggers a supernova explosion.                   Super nova this type allows the formation of black holes.


Hipernova explosion
What is hipernova? Hipernova is a starburst event that occurs hundreds of times more luminous than supernovae. Hipernova refers to the core mass of mass stars whose mass is more than 30 solar masses and there is also a theory that states more than 100 solar masses. Massive mass explosion will be directly grouped as hipernova without seeing if the brightness is more luminous than. Although in reality, when the hipernova occurs, the brightness is more luminous than the supernova and produces 100 times more energy than the supernova.

The theory of hipernova poses several possibilities. First, hipernova is a massive massive starburst that spins very fast and has a very large magnetic field. Another explanation states that a hypnova occurs when one star in a double star collides and joins its partner.Although it is not yet certain which exact but definite process can be known only the formation of black holes and the release of enormous amounts of energy in the form of gamma rays.

Gamma rays are a very energetic form of light that has 10,000 to 10 million more energies than the light that the eye sees. Hence the current hipernova is associated with a gamma-ray burst (GRB) that emits very strong electromagnetic radiation with a far greater total energy than a supernova. Long duration GRB has a terrible explosion that shot into space, from the poles of the transient accretion disk formed around the black hole at the heart of the collapsing core of the star. GRB short duration that also creates a powerful explosion into space, is believed to be the result of a combination of two neutron stars or the joining of neutron stars with black holes. Intrinsically this GRB is much more luminous than a supernova.

Briefly, the so-called collapsar hipernova is a very luminous gamma-ray burst that occurs from the massive collapse of the star's core.Hipernova itself has found its footprint on the MF83 and NGC5471B, which is in the spiral galaxy M101. Additionally the hipernova trail was also discovered in 2002 in M74 when one of the massive stars exploded Gamma ray burst. GRB 030329, seen in 2003 is also known to have a spectrum that matches the characteristics of hipernova. GRB occurring at a distance of 2.6 billion light years occurred in the Leo Race area and observed by NASA's High Energy Transient Explorer (HETE-II).One of the stars suspected to be ending up as a future hipernova is the star of Eta Carina in the constellation Carina.

Fire Rainbow?

Technically, reported by amusingplanet, this beautiful optical phenomenon is called by the name of the circumhorizontal arc is the ice halo formed by ice crystals in the form of plates in cirrus clouds. This hello is so great that it appears this unique optical phenomenon of this kind.

Fire Rainbows is included in the category of rare phenomena, the article conditions and the causal factors of this phenomenon is quite difficult.Circumhorizontal arc that has a bright color this happens in summer and at certain latitudes. When the sun is very high in the sky, the incoming sunlight becomes flat, so the ice-shaped crystal will be split into each color as in a prism.

There are several conditions that must be met in order to occur this event that there should be cirrus cloud at an altitude of 6000 meters above the ground in the form of crystals. The angle of the sun must be 58 degrees above the sky. The
point of light that leads to a cirrus cloud must also be precise, and the cloud must also be shaped like a plate. Those are the conditions that must be met in order for the rainbow to occur. For example, in London, England, the sun can only reach a maximum height of 140 hours between mid-May and late July. While in Los Angeles, the sun is higher than 58 degrees for 670 hours between late March and late September

This is why the circumhorizontal arc is a rare phenomenon.

Suu Kyi certainly canceled attending the 72nd meeting of the UN General Assembly

Myanmar state adviser Aung San Suu Kyi failed to attend and addressed the 72nd meeting of the UN General Assembly on Sept. 20 following widespread criticism over his silence in the face of the Rohingya crisis. The UN Security Council will hold a meeting to discuss Rohingya's case today, Wednesday. Suu Kyi's former supporters in the West have expressed harsh criticism, and called the middle-aged woman to fail to do something to prevent the spread of violence.
The UN also accused the Burmese government of allowing Rohingya ethnic cleansing. Director General of the Office of President U Zaw Htay explained the annulment of Suu Kyi's presence at the UN on Tuesday 12 September 2017.
As quoted by the Nikkei Asian Review on September 13, 2017, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said Suu Kyi will focus on resolving the problem at home. A government spokesman, Aung Shin, also told Reuters that Suu Kyi had more urgent problems to deal with.
"He's never afraid of criticism or facing problems," he said.
Instead, Myanmar Vice President U Henry Van Thio is planned to lead the delegation to attend the UN General Assembly.
The Rakhine State bordering Bangladesh has been the focus of conflict and major clashes that began in 2012 between the majority of the Buddhist population and a growing number of Muslim minorities and call themselves Rohingyas.
The poor situation of the Rohingyas in Rakhine has received international attention following a military operation muzzling Rohingya rebels, ARSA, in October last year and August 25, 2017.
The decision came as Aung San Suu Kyi, a Nobel Peace laureate, faces a sharp spotlight on her response to the Rohingya Muslim situation in her country.
Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar's de facto leader, reaped international criticism over Rohingya crisis. He was accused of not doing much when hundreds of thousands of ethnic minorities were persecuted.

Indonesia's Tanker Ships Collide With Dominican Republic's Dredged Ships in the Singapore Strait

Search and rescue operations were under way to search for five crew members missing after a tanker and dredger collided on Wednesday, September 13, 2017, at around 00:45 am.

The collision occurred between an Indonesian-flagged Kartika Segara tanker with a Dominican-flagged JBB De Rong dredger which lasted about 1.7 nautical miles southwest of Sister Island, Singapore. Precisely, the ship MV Kartika Segara type tanker and ship JBB DE Rong type dredger collide in the position 01 01 11.11N 103 49.87E 12 pob area of ​​the Strait of Singapore.
As a result of the collision, the Dominica dredgers were turned upside down and some of the ship's body was submerged.

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) stated there were 26 crew on Indonesian Tanker ship and all survived. Of the 12 dredgers, 11 are Chinese and one Malaysian. Seven of the injured were rescued by the Singapore Police Coast Guards and taken to Singapore General Hospital. Five other people were declared missing and five survivors have been sent homeThe tanker is reportedly damaged in its right arc but can be anchored in the East Port. As stated by Ambassador Ngurah,

         "Indonesia's own tanker, he added, suffered damage on the right front of the ship.                   The condition of the ship in a stable state and anchored anchorage eastern                           anchorage," he said.

The Singapore authorities directly conduct a search operation. Channel News Asia announces that the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) is leading the search operation against five crew of the lost Dominican ship.In fact, the Singapore Navy joined hands by lowering 3 patrol boats. Not only that, one helicopter belonging to AU Singapore was also deployed to search from the air. To help search the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) Tanjungpinang fielded KN SAR Purworejo and Navy down three KRI namely KRI Surik, KRI Parang, and KRI Parangsang.

Head of Basarnas Office Tanjungpinang Djunaidi confirmed today the SAR team of Singapore and Indonesia are conducting a search for victims of the collision.
He said, for now the position of MV Kartika Segara vessel has been successfully evacuated to the East Port of Singapore, while the current JBB Rong 19 ship almost drowned around the position of the waters of Pulau Senang.

         "While we do the search assistance of five crew ship JBB DE Rong 19 is still missing,"           said Djunaidi when contacted by phone.
He submitted, a search from the Singapore side dropped a helicopter Rescue 10 Singapore, MPA 3, MPA 4, MPA 8, PSG Craft Coast Guard, PT65, PT53, PH53 SDDF Craft, Navi Craft, RSAF Air craft, 4 tugboats, and 1 tugboat diving .
         "Searching is still going on, there will be progress we will report again," said Djunaidi.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Eraser and Pencil (2017)

After the success of the movie Danur: I Can See Ghosts who penetrate the 2 million viewers and make it as Indonesia's best-selling horror film, MD Pictures then released a comedy film titled Stip & Pencil. Appointed director Ardy Octaviand who previously directed the film 3 Dara (2015), and the script was written by Joko Anwar. The four main stars in the film are Ernest Prakasa, Ardhit Erwandha, Indah Permatasari, and Tatjana Saphira.

The film begins with a theater drama in which the character Bubu (Tatjana Saphira) is introduced. Then came Toni (Ernest Prakasa), Aghi (Ardhit Erwandha), and Saras (Indah Permatasari) who were waiting for the memories from the drowsiness of the audience by performing hip-hop dance. They were also summoned by the principal for such indecent acts.

The core of the new story seems to be when the four of them want to prove themselves that they can win the social life-themed essay competition announced by Mr. Adam (Pandji Pragiwaksono). Another goal is to make Edwin (Rangga Azof) and friends not bully them again. The journey that brought TOGIBURAS (Toni, Aghi, Bubu, Saras) on Ucok characters (Pak Iqbal Sinchan), Mr. Toro (Arie Kriting), and Mak Rambe (Gita Bhebhita) for their efforts to build an emergency school for underprivileged children.

Joko Anwar proved to have a script he wrote always has its own power in any genre. This time the target on comedy is full of educational issues and social gaps. Through the atmosphere of community life in the slums, Joko managed to present a comedy that remains fresh with intelligent jokes. Just look at the Ernest part who drank tea on the terrace of Mr. Toro's house, the Mak Rambe section that always argued, or as simple as the newspaper "Daily Jakarta Weekly" which successfully made the audience laugh.

The Film Crew
Directed by                   :Ardy Octaviand
Produced by                 :Manoj Punjabi
Written by                     :Joko Anwar (scenario), Ernest Prakasa, Bene Raja Gukguk                                                     (additionalscenarios), Starring Ernest Prakasa, Tatjana Saphira,                                            Beautiful Permatasari,Ardit Erwandha, Arie Kriting, Rangga Azof,                                            Gita Bhebhita, AdhityaAlkatiri, Iqbal Sinchan, Pandji Pragiwaksono,                                        Tora Sudiro, Yati Surachman
Music by                       :Cinematography Aghi Narottama Ipung Rachmat Syaiful
Edited by                      :Aline Jusria
Production company  :MD Pictures
Running time               : 98 minutes
Languege                     :Indonesian 
Country                        :Indonesian

In the end the four friends managed to build an emergency school. The courage in making decisions that may be unpopular and acting strictly at their risk has no students to take with them, followed by the pride they feel when they see their one disciple manage to read one sentence.

Coffee Philosophy part 2 : Ben and Jody (2017)

For those of you who do not know about the Coffee Philosophy, this film is a short story adaptation film by the queen mother, Dewi Lestari. This is a drama about coffee and his philosophy to make it the number one coffee in Indonesia.

The success of the Film Coffee Philosophy brings inspiration from Angga Dimas Sasongko and his team to make something out of this movie. In addition there is a real Coffee Philosophy Store, then created a sequel, Ben & Jody. The second film is made still based on the character of Ben & Jody that has been made by Dee before. Not only long movie theaters, but also there are other works such as new stalls in Jogja, radio drama, and other types of works. But for the movie's long movie itself, will it outstrip the film's first success?

Still with two similar characters from previous films lifted from short story Dewi 'Dee' Lestari's Coffee Philosophy Coffee, Coffee Philosophy 2: Ben & Jody tells about what happened after their second dream in the first film materialized: traveling around Indonesia to share "coffee best "through the Coffee Philosophy combi.

Just like the way they go, the dream is not always straight and ends smoothly. One day in Bali, the founding members of the Coffee Philosophy each chose to resign for their own reasons. All that remained was only Ben & Jody to see if their dreams had to stay this way, or change to follow the situation.
With only the two of them left, Ben & Jody decides to make a new dream. Precisely, realizing their old dreams in a different way is, returning to Jakarta and making Coffee Philosophy back into coffee number one in the city where their first dream was created.

Warkop DKI Reborn Jangkrik Boss Part 2 (2017)

This year, the production house owned by HB Naveen tried to re-produce the movie Warkop DKI Reborn. Utilizing the classic comedy star, Dono, Casino and Indro, Falcon will again bring this legendary comedy group present to a new-looking glass screen combined with contemporary jokes.
Warkop DKI Reborn: Boss Crickets! Part 2 still stars Abimana Aryasatya as Dono, Vino G. Bastian as Casino, and Tora Sudiro as Indro and Hannah Al Rashid as Sophie. These CHIPS members will resume their adventures that once stopped at the first part.

Dont worry about not being able to follow the story because you have not seen the first movie. At the beginning of the film we will be presented a flashback scene that reminds the audience on a sequence of events in part 1. After the flashback scene is over, tucked also scenes funny
This time Anggy again took Bene Dion Rajagukguk and Andi Awwe Wijaya who also wrote the script of his first film. This time his story was adapted from his original version entitled "IQ Jongkok" and "Setan Kredit". Of course, we will be brought nostalgic with the typical classic Warkop trio jokes. Anggy also explored by mixing it with contemporary jokes, one of them while inviting the audience to interact with their jokes. The result? Yes, some did manage to break the laughter, but not a few who failed, even tend to be forced.
Another surprise, not only managed to make the audience laugh together in cinemas, this film also successfully make us nostalgic with the classic scenes are adapted from the films of old school.
The film was made not to replace but to preserve and introduce the legendary figures of the present generation. The legendary comedy group headed by Dono, Casino and Indro will remain unchanged. So we should be grateful to the figures who are behind the production of this film.

Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)

Marvel announced that production has officially started on “Ant-Man and the Wasp” with a 14-second video focusing on two shrunken production chairs.
Paul Rudd reprises his title role in the superhero sequel, which also stars Evangeline Lilly, Michael Peña, and Michael Douglas in the roles they originated in the 2015 film. Bobby Cannavale, Judy Greer, Abby Ryder Fortson, Tip “T.I.” Harris, and David Dastmalchian will also reprise their supporting roles.

      The detail plot is not yet known. The film will tell you about a man named Scott Lang (played by Paul Rudd), also known as Ant-Man, in his super clothes, he can shrink, and enlarge to normal size again, which in this second series he will have a partner , who has the same strength as him, namely Hope van Dyne (played by Evangeline Lilly), also known as The Wasp. What does the story sound like? Wait and watch Full Movie in your favorite theater.

Ant-Man Movie Players and the Wasp (Cast)

Hannah John              -Kamen
Evangeline Lilly            -The Wasp
Paul Rudd                    -Scott Lang / Ant-Man
Michael Peña               -Luis
Sharon Stone               -Janet
Michael Douglas          -Hank Pym
David Dastmalchian    -Kurt
T.I.                               -Dave

Ant-Man and the Wasp (Crew) Movie Details

Genre / Movie Type                : Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Film Direct r                            : Peyton Reed
Film Production House           : Marvel Studios
Film Distributor                        : Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Screenwriter / Novel Writer    : Andrew Barrer, Gabriel Ferrari
Film Producer                         : Kevin Feige
Movie Release Date               : 6 July 2018 (USA)
Movie Duration                       : - Minutes
Box Office Budget                  : -
Country of origin Film             : UK, USA
Film Language                        : English

The War with Grandpa (2018)

The War with Grandpa is an upcoming American family-comedy-drama film directed by Tim Hill, based on the novel of same name by Robert Kimmel Smith. The film stars Robert De Niro, Crishtoper Walker and Oakes Fegley. The film is scheduled to be released on February 23, 2018, by The Weinsten Company's Dimension Films

February 23, 2018

Family Comedy

       Peter and Grandpa Jack used to be very close. When his grandfather's wife died (his grandmother meant), he moved to his son's house.

       But when Grandfather moved with family, He did not have a room. There was actually an empty room upstairs, but grandpa had a problem with his legs. So where will he sleep? .

       Peter was forced to give up his most precious possessions, his room. But Peter did not want to let go of it. Peter will not stop to get his room back, playing with his friends to think of a series of pranks to get rid of him. But Grandpa does not give up easily and soon, it's all war!

Maze Runner 3: The Death Cure (2018)

In this third series of books, it is narrated that Thomas's struggle is not over. Having made it out of Scorch, Thomas was confronted with WICKED which gave him the option to restore his memories. However, Thomas doubted, what if WICKED was still controlling his own thoughts?

Together with Minho and Newt, Thomas also fought WICKED and fled to Denver where things were surprising. Thomas became the most sought after and became the only person who could thwart WICKED.This story is the same as the previous story which dominated the forward flow and a little backward groove. The exciting and easy-to-follow story is the final story of The Maze Runner.
To prequel the story of The Maze Runner is The Kill Order and The Fever Code. The Fever Code has just published the Indonesia. The Fever Code is the fifth series and is the final book The Maze Runner.

Below is a little leak synopsis film

               Instead of being given the cure for the deadly Flare disease as he'd been promised after surviving the Scorch, Thomas is separated from his friends and kept in isolation for three weeks. Alone with his thoughts and his anger, Thomas is surprised that only the fact that WICKED (World in Catastrophe: Killzone Experiment Department) won't let him bathe is what's driving him crazy.
Finally, "Rat Man" enters the cell and explains everything to him. Rat Man, so nicknamed by Thomas because of his rodent-like features, had been the man to inform Thomas and the other Gladers about the Scorch. Now, he hopes to convince Thomas to continue to work with WICKED to find a cure for the Flare. The disease eats away the minds of the afflicted until they turn into Cranks, zombie-like creatures that roam cities killing people until they're killed themselves.
Fortunately for Thomas, he and most of his friends are Munies — immune to the Flare. That's why they've been put through the Maze and the Scorch trials. The disease works by eating away areas of the brain. It's hoped that by monitoring the Munies in various stress and decision-making scenarios, scientists can map out a blueprint of their minds and figure out a way to cure those infected.
Thomas is released from isolation and reunited with his friends — Minho, Newt, Frypan and others from the Maze and the Scorch. When he meets up with Teresa again, he can't help the feelings of distrust that creep into his mind. His closest friend had done nothing but hurt and betray him throughout the Scorch. Her constant assurance that she was only doing what the old Thomas would have wanted her to do, does nothing to help his emotions.
All of his memories had been wiped away before he entered the Maze, as they were for all the Gladers. The few memories that have managed to re-emerge do not support Teresa's claims that WICKED is good. Rat Man interrupts their reunion to inform them that they will now be given all their memories back. Of course, the procedure requires them to allow WICKED to put a probe into their brains to remove the device.
Rat Man also tells them the names of those who aren't immune from the Flare. Thomas is saddened to hear Newt's name among those infected. Sometime later, Newt gives Thomas a note and tells him not to read it yet. He will know the right time.
Thomas, Minho and Newt refuse to undergo the operation, but Rat Man eventually tries to force them. Thomas is dragged into the operating room and sees Brenda, a girl he formed an attachment to in the Scorch. Brenda helps him and the others escape. They scour the WICKED compound for their friends, but Teresa and the others have escaped without them.
Thomas again feels the sting of betrayal. Brenda leads Thomas, Minho and Newt to Jorge — another friend from the Scorch. After a battle with armed guards, Jorge manages to fly them out of the area in a Berg, which is an airship. Brenda warns them that until they get the devices out of their brains, WICKED can still, if they get close enough, manipulate them. She tells them of a man named Hans who can remove the devices. The group decides to fly to Denver to find him. Denver is one of the few cities left that has not been overrun by the Flare. Uninfected people can still lead fairly normal lives, but everyone is monitored closely to keep an outbreak from occurring.
When they arrive, Newt insists on staying aboard the Berg while the others hunt for Hans. Thomas and Minho have never seen so many people in one area. A stranger approaches Thomas and his friends. He informs them that they are suspected of having escaped from WICKED and that they should follow his advice.
He gives Thomas a note. It's an address and is signed by Gally. Gally and Thomas were enemies in the Maze, and it was Gally, who under the control of WICKED, killed Thomas' best friend, Chuck. Thomas thought he had beaten Gally to death, but Brenda assures him he didn't. She doesn't believe the note could be from Gally, however, because the boy went crazy with guilt when he realized what WICKED had manipulated him to do.
Gally's note says that he's now a member of the Right Arm. Brenda and Jorge explain it's a renegade group intent on bringing down WICKED. Against everyone else's advice, Thomas insists they find Gally before finding Hans.
Gally tells them that people from the Right Arm contacted him while he was recovering from the Maze. They said he could get out of the WICKED compound if he pretended to be crazy, so he did. The Right Arm then took him into protective custody.
Gally informs Thomas' group that Denver is rife with infected people, but they are government officials and can mask the effects with an expensive drug called Bliss. Also, Munies are disappearing. The Right Arm suspects they are being kidnapped by WICKED so they can start a whole new set of trials to try to find the cure. The Right Arm wants Thomas and his friends to help them fight WICKED. They agree, but it will have to wait until they find Hans.
The following day they meet with Hans, but when the old man prepares to take the device out of Thomas' brain, WICKED takes control, throwing Thomas' body into convulsions. Thomas is forced to pick up a knife and threaten his friends. After an intense fight, the others are able to sedate him, and the implant is removed. Later, as Thomas and his friends get something to eat in a coffee shop, an infected man is arrested. Brenda and the others manage to escape before the authorities arrive, but Thomas is caught. When it's discovered he's a Munie, they decide to sell him to the people collecting Munies.
Thomas is rescued when a motorized and armed cop vehicle opens fire on his captor. A voice from within the car tells him to get in. Thomas is shocked to see an image of Rat Man on a screen in the car. He informs Thomas that he [Thomas] is the last hope for humankind. WICKED desperately needs him to return to the main compound to finish creating the protocol that may cure the Flare. Rat Man also tells him that Newt is succumbing to the disease at an alarming rate and will be insane very soon. Rat Man lets Thomas go, hoping he'll return to WICKED on his own accord.
When Thomas and the others return to the Berg, they discover that Newt is missing. A note informs them that he's been taken to live with the other Cranks in the city. Minho insists they have to rescue their friend before they join the Right Arm. Brenda explains that Newt has probably been taken to the Crank Palace. It's an isolated town where the newly infected are sent to live while they are still rational.
Thomas and his friends find the Crank Palace and bribe the guards to take them to Newt. They find their friend living in a dilapidated bowling alley. Newt refuses to leave with them, eventually pulling a weapon on them and threatening to use it if they don't leave. He knows he's a lost cause. The Flare is ravaging his brain, and he has little control over his actions.
As they solemnly make their way back to the Berg without him, guards run up behind them and warn them to flee. The Cranks have gone insane and are launching a revolt. Thomas and his friends reach the Berg and return to Denver. Thomas remembers the sealed letter Newt had given him back at WICKED. He reads it. The note begs Thomas to kill him when he knows the Flare has consumed his mind. Thomas regrets that he failed his friend's last request.
When they arrive back in the city, armed guards greet them. Thomas and his companions are taken to a holding area where they meet up with many of their old friends, including Teresa. She tries to convince Thomas that she and the other group from WICKED were told that he'd escaped with Minho and Newt. She'd tried to find him but couldn't.
Teresa tells Thomas that WICKED has been rounding up all the Munies they can find to start another series of trials. Thomas still doesn't trust her, but they agree to work together to escape. They overpower guards sent to bring them food.
One guard explains that they're not working for WICKED but for the Right Arm. Thomas and Brenda force him to take them to the resistance headquarters. They have to fight through an army of Cranks to get there, but they finally meet with Vince, the leader. He explains that he wants the Munies to help them break into and take down WICKED. Thomas and Brenda agree to help. Thomas will be dropped off first and will place a device that can disable WICKED's weapons.
On his way to the Berg that will take him to WICKED, Thomas' van again runs into Cranks. Thomas recognizes Newt. He insists on talking to his friend. Newt isn't happy to see Thomas. He begs Thomas to kill him. Finally, out of horror and pity, Thomas shoots him. He refuses to tell any of his friends about the incident.
Thomas is dropped off in a forest just outside of WICKED headquarters. Rat Man welcomes him back. Thomas pretends to have to use the restroom so he can plant the weapon-disabling device. He is then introduced to a surgeon and a psychiatrist.
WICKED feels the only way to get the last information they need to create a cure is to dissect Thomas' brain while he's still alive. The procedure, of course, will kill him, but his sacrifice will save the human race. His agreement is no longer an option. They will do the operation whether he wants it or not.
They give him a few minutes alone to write notes to be delivered to his friends. Thomas hopes the Right Arm will arrive in time, but they don't. He is forced into an operating room as the first wave of the resistance force arrives. He is drugged and passes out.
When Thomas wakes, he finds he's alone. A letter from Chancellor Paige, the leader of WICKED, explains that she feels Thomas and the other Munies have suffered enough and have done all they can. She says that she saved him from surgery because WICKED has enough patterns and can figure out a cure from them. She leaves him a map that shows the location of other captive Munies and a secret exit. The exit is a Flat Trans, which will transport them to safety.
Thomas learns that the Right Arm plans to blow up the WICKED building without getting the captive Munies out. He finds his friends, and Gally joins them. They head back into the Maze, where the Munies are being kept.
Thomas is shocked to find that the Munies vary in age from children to adults. Thomas organizes them, but the Right Arm begins to detonate their explosives. The building begins to disintegrate around them. WICKED sends Grievers — half-machine, half-animal creatures — to stop them, but Thomas and Teresa destroy them. About 200 Munies survive and make it to the Flat Trans, but they're still not safe. As many leave through the Flat Trans, Rat Man and several WICKED soldiers arrive to stop them. Thomas and his friends fight them as other Munies continue to transport to safety.
In a rage, Thomas beats Rat Man to the ground and strangles him. His friends kill the guards as well. As they run toward the Flat Trans, more explosions rock the building. A piece of the ceiling plummets toward Thomas, but Teresa pushes him out of the way. The rubble crushes her, and she dies. Minho and Brenda drag Thomas through the Flat Trans toward safety. Then Brenda destroys the Flat Trans so no one can follow them. Thomas marvels at the natural beauty of their new home. He and Brenda contemplate their new life as the sun sets.
In a memorandum to her associates, Chancellor Paige explains how WICKED always acted for good, but she realized that their plans had not always been the best. She explains that though WICKED's initial plan to find a cure has failed, they still succeeded in saving humankind by sending the immune to a place of safety where they can live while the rest of humankind destroys itself.

The Maze Runner(left),The Maze Runner: Scorch Trials(Centre), The Maze Runner: The Death Cure(Right)